Ok, I've gotten the Webcam attached and the pan/tilt functionality works in Roborealm. I also went and got a Sanguino I/O board from the RepRap Research Foundation. Hopefully, I'll start playing with that here in a little bit.

My Sanguino with the Breakout Shield.
Most of my time has been spent working on a versatile Java API to easily configure and integrate devices into a generic framework so I haven't been playing with my working robot so much. Crazy I know. But I did get some foam bumpers for it so it does have a little facelift.

Current list:
1. Get alpha working 0.1 version of the API running on the robot.
2. Build some ramps around the house so the robot can move through the entire house.
3. Test the Sanguino I/O board.
4. Build voltage checking and docking port for robot so it can recharge whenever it needs to on its own.